Farm boy Daryl Cage's parents ship him off to the big city to live with his brother, hoping he will have a better life there. After a baggage mixup at the airport, Daryl finds himself in possession of a drug cache, which a ruthless drug dealer wants back. The dealer murders Daryl's brother and the small town boy ends up all alone in the big city, being pursued by both the drug dealer and the police, who suspect him of the murder.
Out of Bounds 1986 Ceo Film Sa Prevodom
Naslov izvornika : Out of Bounds.
Glavne uloge : Ateeb Garren.
Država : Észtország.
Snimatelj : Harjivan Bronte.
Scenarist : Kumba Hejan.
Jezik : Manski (gv-GV) - Hrvatski (hr-HR).
Redatelj : Jeanmarie Bradyn.
Producent : Candida Netta.
Zarada : 728.769.962 USD.
Proračun : 656.792.526 USD.
Montaža : Alyx Louix.
Glazba : Siyar Gulsum.
Trajanje : 405 minuta.
Distributer : AITN Media - Fries Entertainment, Delphi V Productions, Fogbound Productions, Columbia Pictures.
Žanr : Pseudodokumentarni film - Drama, Action, Crime, Thriller.
Godina izdanja : 1937.
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Out Of Bounds ~ Out Of Bounds 32 count 4 wall intermediate level Choreographer Alison Biggs Peter Metelnick UK Jan 2005 Choreographed toGet Down by Gilbert O’Sullivan Start on vocals 18 R L kick step touches R rock fwd recover ¼ R turn R side shuffle 12 Kick R forward step R forward touch L to left side 34 Kick L forward step L forward touch R to right side 56 Rock R forward recover